A momma turtle laying some eggs and some interesting images with small turtles are on this page.
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I happened to look out the window and saw this turtle with a hole behind her.
[The turtle is looking forward as she stands at the edge of a newly dug hole.]

This is the view of the hole from a higher elevation.
[The turtle's hole is in the wood chips surrounding a tree. The hole is near the edge of the wood chips closest to the grass.]

This is the view of that same area after the turtle laid her eggs and left.
Had I not seen and photographed her I would have never known she was there. She's an excellent landscaper!
[The turtle is gone and the wood chips around that tree look like nothing happened there.]

Sychronized swimming.
[Two turtles, one four times as larger as the ther, swim beside each other (smaller turtle is off the back left side of the larger one). Both have their head and limbs going the same direction. Heads are turned to the left.]

If not for the head and tiny legs this would look like a piece of moss floating in the water.
[One small turtle has so much moss growing on it that one can not see the shell. Only the little legs and head are visible. The head has distinct yellow stripes on it so it is quite visible.]

Must be something interesting up the hillside.
[A large turtle on the ground at the edge of the water and a much smaller turtle on a log close to it are both looking away from the camera with their heads fully outstretched up.]

The larger turtle noticed me when I moved to get a better image.
There is a massive size difference between the two turtles.
[The same two turtles from a more straight on view. The larger turtle now looks at the camera while the smaller one seems to be looking at the head of the larger one. The larger turtle is about four times the size of the smaller one which really isn't all that small.]

I happened to notice this scene from a distance.
[Two turtles on the tire tread exposed in the pond. One turtle which is about five times larger than the other has its front leg on the shell of the much smaller turtle. The big turtle is looking upward as if to survey the landscape.]

I walked to a point where I was as close as possible to this pair.
The long claws of the larger turtle indicate it is a male, but I don't know the sex of the smaller one.
[Whereas the prior view was a side view of the two turtles, this one is looking straight at the two such that the back end of the smaller turtle is visible and the face of the larger turtle is seen. The larger turtle is looking to the right.]

I continued walking in an attempt to photograph the smaller turtle and the larger one finally noticed me.
[This view of the pair is now giving more of the other side of the turtles from the first image. The head of the smaller turtle is now visible. The larger turtle is looking at the camera.]

This turtle is holding his leg up the way I've seen turtles do which is why I photographed this.
After zooming in on the image I noticed the tiny turtle under the front end of the large one. This may be the same pair from the prior series of images.
[A large turtle is spread across the top of the tire. The turtle looks at the camera. In the darkness underneath the front end of the turtle is a very small turtle. The legs of the larger turtle partially hide the smaller one.]

Return to page 1 of 2 to see the variety of turtles in the area.

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