More yellow flowers I saw in Jacksonville.
page 8 of 19 of Jacksonville scenes

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Mullein (March 26, 2020)
[Two photos spliced together. On the left is the entire plant. The leaves are at the base and three thin stalks extend approximately three feet from the ground. Each stalk has some fully bloomed yellow flowers approximately half-way up the stalk. There appear to be many small closed buds the entire length of the stalk and on all sides of the stalk. On the right is a close view of one set of blooms. Each yellow of the seven blooms has four wides petals and long stamen which have orange tips. Each bloom faces a slightly different direction around the stalk.]

Yellow trumpet flowers (September 4, 2020)
[Two photos spliced together. On the left is a close view of one yellow bloom. The petals are thin and somewhat floppy. The entire center of the bloom is also yellow. On the right is the entire bush. The flowers are long and thin mostly closed. A few have begun opening at the very end. The plant looks like a bunch of green sticks with many of the sticks having yellow tips.]

Yellow trumpet flower (November 17, 2020)
[A very close view of a bloom coming up from the bottom with its petals opened and bent back downward and the stamen pointing straight up. The petals are yellow and completely covered in teeny tiny rain or dewdrops. The stamen are long and at the tips are red-orange mini flowers.]

Flowers of the bagpod plant (June 2, 2016)
[Three flowers at the end of a stem are part yellow and part orange. Two joined yellow petals are on one side of the bloom while the orangish part comes out of the center like stamen, but look like folded petals.]

Cutleaf evening primrose (March 11, 2017)
[Two yellow flowers pop up from what appears to be a vine growing along the ground. The petals overlap giving the flower a circular appearance. The stamen are all yellow and fan out like a star. Next to the yellow blooms is a closed orange bud.]

Some type of primrose with morning dew (March 17, 2022)
[One fully-opened yellow bloom viewed from the side so the length of the long yellow stamen is visible. There are many very tiny dewdrops across the four heart-shaped petals.]

Primrose with morning dew making an interesting pattern on the petals (March 5, 2023)
[One fully-opened yellow bloom with the top petals shaded from the full sun. Because of the shading, the many dew drops appear as light yellow dots on the petals. The lower petals are in full sun and the many small dewdrops on them show the petal color through them. The all-yellow stamen protrude from the center in a twisted fashion.]

These were on a plant in a yard. The closed bloom on the left and fully opened ones on the right (October 9, 2020)
[Two images spliced together. On the left is a plant with yellow tinged green leaves with one long thin completely closed bloom hanging from it. On the right are two fully opened yellow flowers. Each flower has five wide petals which each touch its closest two neighbors and thin yellow stamen in the center.]

Another bloom from the previous plant (October 9, 2020)
[A close view of one yellow flower which has parts of all five petals missing. Most of the missing parts are elongated holes in the middle of the petals. One petal does have an outer hunk missing. I would guess insects had been eating the petals.]

Two variants of Arrowleaf sida (August 12, 2020 on the left and June 24, 2017 on the right)
[Two photos spliced together. On the left is a light yellow flower with dark yellow stamen. The flower has five petals, but the petals are are only separate from the cup of the flower for approximately half the length of the petal. This image has a front facing view of a single bloom with lots of green leaves around the bloom. On the right is a bloom which has its stamen ringed at the base by an orange-red circle. This image has a front facing view of a single bloom and a side view of another bloom to the left of the front face. The leaves on this plant are slightly more pointed, but basically the same shape.]

Another type of Arrowleaf sida (November 29, 2020)
[A flower with very pale connected petals and a bright yellow center with quite a few individual stamen. The petals are connected like an opened umbrella. Radiating from behind the bright yellow center are yellow-green lines which extend into the petals.]

All the Virginia ground cherry flowers faced the ground. (May 24, 2018)
[This plant has many long oblong pointed leaves. The yellow blooms, which do not have individual petals (they are bell-shaped), face the ground. ]

Not yet found the name for this, but the long stamen are interesting. (September 26, 2017)
[Each of the five petals of this yellow flower are significantly larger than the thin oval-shaped green leaves of the plant. There are muliple blooms and many, many leaves. The center of each bloom has some red at the base and has at least a half-dozen long yellow stamen. The stamen appear to be about half the length of the petal.]

Wingleaf primrose-willow (August 6, 2015)
[A shallow-cup shaped flower with four yellow petals which are separated by strips of green. It has a yellow center nub and long thin leaves growing from the step. It's growing beside the water.]

Primrose willow blooms close overnight and reopen during the day. This is a closed morning bloom. (Sepember 9, 2019)
[The yellow petals on this flower are overlapping and twirled into a deep cup shape. The short thick stamen emanating from the yellow cone center are also curled.]

A partially closed primrose willow bloom on one end of the image and a ladybug at the other (Sepember 15, 2020)
[The yellow petals on this flower are overlapping and twirled into a deep cup shape and point downward at the bottom edge of the image. There are many large green leaves filling the rest of the image. Near the top upper right is a black-spotted red bug nestled in the leaves. ]

Slender yellow wood sorrel (May 24, 2018)
[The one all-yellow flower bloom has five petals and yellow stamen. Surrounding it are many three-petal clover-shaped leaves.]

Not sure what this is, but the dewdrops on the petals were interesting. (September 18, 2022)
[This flower has five wide overlapping petals with yellow at the outer edges, white toward the middle, and green at the center. There are three large dew drops on the petals at the lower part of the image. The stamen have white tops and are easily seen against the green background. This plant is not much taller than the surrounding grass.]

Butterfly weed side view(August 5, 2018)
[A green stem branches into six smaller stems which each have a yellow-orange bloom at the top. One bloom is fully closed  with just the yellow petals visible. The other five are fully opened. The yellow petals are downward like a skirt to the upward inner orange part which almost appears to be another flower itself with six petals in an upward stance around the center. ]

Top-down view of butterfly weed blooms closed and open (June 19, 2020)
[Two photos spliced together. On the top a section of plant with three buds. The two yellowish buds are completely closed while the one orangish bud is just starting to open creating a star shape as the tips of the petals pull away from the top. The image on the bottom are three blooms fully open. They are all the same orange color with five pointed-tip petals fully away from the centers which consist of what appears to be a separate flower of five round-edge petals. In the center of the inner petals are short orange stamen which curl toward the petals. Both the upper and lower plants have long slender dark green leaves.]

Senna (October 29, 2020)
[Two photos spliced together. On the left is a close view of the yellow flowers on this bush. Each flower has five petals. The center stamen are yellow with dark brown cross-bars at the top. The image on the right is the entire bush which is about nine foot high and 14 foot across and covered in yellow blooms.  ]

Bandanna of the Everglades or golden canna grows at the water's edge and is 3-4 feet tall. (May 23 and 24, 2020)
[Two photos spliced together. On the left are multiple plants and blooms. The flowers grow on thin stalks flanked by the large long dark green leaves. On the right is a close view of one large yellow flower with is crinkled-edged petals.  ]

Bandanna of the Everglades flower pod before it blooms (June 12, 2022)
[Two photos spliced together. On the left is a close view of one flat green pod with a a pointy white protrusion at the top. The surface of the green has a prickly velvety-looking surface. On the right are two buds on long stems protruding from the very tall wide leaves.]

Bandanna of the Everglades flower side view and top-down view (June 19, 2022)
[Two photos spliced together. On the left is a side view of a fully-opened yellow bloom with a not-yet-opened spire of a second bloom just to its right. On the right is a top-down view of the same two flowers. Each yellow petal is pointing in a different direction and the petals have crinkly edges.]

Yellow water lily (March 5, 2023)
[One partially-opened yellow bloom at the top of a thick green stem extending at least eight inches above the water. There are thick  very large oval leaves to the right of the bloom although am not sure they are for the same plant. Other large leaves float atop the water on the other sides of the flower.]

Continue to see pink flowers. (page 9 of 19)

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