On this page are laughing gulls, a possible herring gull, and a ring-billed gull.

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The laughing gull has rather long wings for its body size.
[A gull in flight with its wings completing a downward stroke above water. The tips of the wings and its head are grey while the rest of the body is white.]

The long wings are needed to handle ocean winds.
[The long, black wings of a laughing gull curved over treetops in the lower right corner of the image. The sun lights the underside of the gull.]

A laughing gull hoping I would toss some rice cakes its way.
[A gull with a grey head and grey back and feathers, a red bill, and a white belly/underside stares at the camera with its white-ringed black eye.]

During winter the laughing gull's head becomes white. It returns to dark colors (breeding plumage) in the spring.
This one is still sporting a few white feathers near its beak.
[A gull with a grey head and grey back and feathers, a red bill, and a white belly/underside stares sits atop a light in a parking lot and faces to the left. The area around its beak is a mottled with both light and dark colors. The rest of its head has already returned to its dark color.]

Parking lot lamps are a favorite spot for laughing gulls.
[Bird with near black head and wings, a full-bodied white belly, and orange beak standing atop a light which appears to have had many birds poop on it over time.]

I believe this may be an immature laughing gull.
[Long-winged white bird with light grey wings and tail making a turn so the wings are in the shape of a L.]

I believe this is an immature herring gull. (The legs are much lighter in color than the gull in the prior image.)
[A gull mottled brown and white coloring with a black ring on its bill is just above the water about to scoop up some bread. Its feet are forward and its wings pulled in somewhat.]

Ring-billed gull. (Not sure if this is juvenile plumage or just winter plumage.)
[A gull standing on concrete blocks showing the right side of its head has a black mark across both halves of its bill with a lighter section visible at the tip as well as the rest of the bill. The legs are a pinkish tan. The body and neck are mostly white, but there is black and grey visible on the wings. The eye seems dark and there re speckles of dark grey along the chest.]

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