This page consists of wildflowers seen in Midland, Texas. The subsequent four pages include garden flowers, birds, insects and critters, and other sightings in Midland, Texas including air show planes, Christmas lights, and ice-laden trees. Additional Midland images are listed under the Sky Pics tab, the Yucca blooms section under the Time Progression Pics, and the Household Pets section under the Wildlife Photos tab. All images taken 2013-2014.

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Wildflowers of the near-desert plains grace this page.

Tiny, early October blooms
[Off each green stem are 5-6 small round white centerless buds with five equally spaced minute circle blooms creating a star-shaped flowers.]

False nightshades blooming in early September.
[From a yellow-green star whose tips extend to the end of the flower hang white petal-like webs between the star's fingers. From the very center of each flower rises a five-lobed white stamen.]

White woolly daisies during early October
[Flower with nine notched white petals and yellow centers on skinny green stems. The long, narrow leaves are only at the base of the plant.]

More early October blooms
[Thin wiry green stems topped by flowers with approximately a dozen thin yellow petals and a dark yellow center.]

Saw-leaf daisy at late September (Notice the sharp edges on the leaves.)
[Close view of a plant with four yellow blooms at the top. The edges of the lobed leaves are serated. A yellow and black bug is on the edges of one bloom whose petals point straight up. Another bloom is fully opened and the many thin, yellow petals fold away from the center which contains probably a hundred yellow-topped tendrils.]

Cowpen daisy in late September
[Each of the eight petals of this flower have two notches on the outer edge. The center a web of dark yellow.]

Early September blooms
[Eight yellow-petaled flowers with brown/yellow/green centers.]

A sunflower in October
[A single sunflower with pointed petals which all have room between them to see the background.]

Another type of sunflower in the same field
[The petals on this sunflower are plentiful and there is no space between them except at the very tips.]

In late September the late purple aster blooms.
[This flower has many thin, purple petals and a yellow center.]

Silverleaf nightshades blooming in September.
[Three dark-blue blooms each with four joined petals. Each bloom has multiple long yellow steams.]

Late August blooms
[A grouping of seven tiny mostly red flowers atop a stem. From each flower one long (much longer than the flower is big) red stamen stands out.]

Continue to tame flowers. (page 2 of 5)

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